Well, life continues on here at 8 Dor Dor V'Dorshav in Yerushalayim, near Emek Refaim in the German Colony. Micah and Jonah made up a cute song to the tefilah tune "L'Dor VaDor" that explains where we live here.
We've completed two weeks of ulpan and continue to learn. I'm working hard on my studies and have learned a lot and keep trying to speak as much Hebrew as possible. It's still pretty funny, though!
I don't know why but Jonah is doing this dance and song for me "antidisestablishmentarianism" over and over again ending with "word." It's hilarious.
Today we cracked open the largest container of humus I've ever bought. I have a photo so share.
Also, here is the "milk in a bag, placed in the pitcher." Yes, milk is sold in plastic bags here instead of bottles or cartons. There are also bottles and cartons but you pay extra for the container. :-)
Today Jonah had a private Hebrew lesson and got to be on the radio, (Rusty Mike Radio) the only English radio station in Israel, which is broadcast out of the AACI (AACI) offices where Mark and I are taking our ulpan classes with Ulpan L'Inyan (Ulpan). So much fun!
After Ulpan we got a vanilla and chocolate danish from Cafe Hillel, went shopping at a discount housewares store where I got tissues and rubber gloves, and then went to two playgrounds with spinny things. Jonah and Micah both love those spinny things. We walked home and had lunch. A little later Micah came home and throughout the afternoon we all did games and work on our computers, did some math workbooks, worked on Anim Zmirot (Micah is being bribed to learn it.), and had leftovers for dinner. Tonight we Skyped with some friends - Micah got to talk to Charlie and Avshi, Jonah talked to Luka, and Mark and I got to talk to Abby and Stuart. :-) It was a lot of fun.
We've completed two weeks of ulpan and continue to learn. I'm working hard on my studies and have learned a lot and keep trying to speak as much Hebrew as possible. It's still pretty funny, though!
I don't know why but Jonah is doing this dance and song for me "antidisestablishmentarianism" over and over again ending with "word." It's hilarious.
Today we cracked open the largest container of humus I've ever bought. I have a photo so share.
Also, here is the "milk in a bag, placed in the pitcher." Yes, milk is sold in plastic bags here instead of bottles or cartons. There are also bottles and cartons but you pay extra for the container. :-)
Today Jonah had a private Hebrew lesson and got to be on the radio, (Rusty Mike Radio) the only English radio station in Israel, which is broadcast out of the AACI (AACI) offices where Mark and I are taking our ulpan classes with Ulpan L'Inyan (Ulpan). So much fun!
After Ulpan we got a vanilla and chocolate danish from Cafe Hillel, went shopping at a discount housewares store where I got tissues and rubber gloves, and then went to two playgrounds with spinny things. Jonah and Micah both love those spinny things. We walked home and had lunch. A little later Micah came home and throughout the afternoon we all did games and work on our computers, did some math workbooks, worked on Anim Zmirot (Micah is being bribed to learn it.), and had leftovers for dinner. Tonight we Skyped with some friends - Micah got to talk to Charlie and Avshi, Jonah talked to Luka, and Mark and I got to talk to Abby and Stuart. :-) It was a lot of fun.
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