Monday, April 24, 2023

The Ulpan Journey

Throughout our time here we have been trying to figure out what Ulpan I could attend. We had it narrowed down to four choices: Ulpan L'Inyan where we attended in 2011, Ulpan Sheli, Beit Ha'Am, and Ulpan Morasha. both Beit Ha'Am and Ulpan Morasha are 5 days a week, Sunday through Thursday, and run all morning. Ulpan L'Inyan is three days a week for 1.5 hours each, and Ulpan Sheli is 2 days a week for 1.5 hours each. The cost of Beit Ha'Am and Ulpan Morasha seem less than the costs for the other two, but they end up being about the same. 

Ulpan L'Inyan was the most responsive. They let us know that the current classes were full back in late March and offered us the next session starting at the end of April. 

Beit Ha'Am simply said "call back after Passover" and when we finally connected with them after many fits and starts, they informed us that they are only for olim hadashim, new immigrants. so that one was eliminated. 

Ulpan Sheli still has not gotten back to us with the information about when a class for my level is happening. I've completed a placement test, and we have a person who is supposed to be connecting with us.

Ulpan Morasha: we visited and contacted multiple times and when we went in person, the person there said the teacher would contact me. She did and we found that the best class for me was the beginner class that started in February. I would jump in as they finished learning past tense and started future tense. I went two days so far and it is perfect! I am learning so much. The teachers (there are three amazing women so far that are sharing the teaching of the class) are highly engaging and interactive and the level is a little challenging but not so much that I feel lost all the time. Plus they use English to support the teaching of the Hebrew. Anyway, just a bit of bad news. The class has less than 20 people in it and they are thinking of cancelling it. I tried to pay for it to keep it going, but the wouldn't let me because they cannot give refunds. So I've had four free classes so far and I have the rest of this week to enjoy and learn before they might end the class. I really hope that the students keep coming (and come back) so that our class can continue. As of today, it looks like maybe the class will continue.

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